Her Money, Her Life project

The Her Money, Her Life project is maximizing the potential benefits women receive from their crops through a focus on entrepreneurship and collective investment.

HMHL is a three-year project (2-year for phase 1 and 1-year for phase 1B) implemented by CARE Tanzania with support of Bloomberg Philanthropies scaling initiative from December 2021 to November 2023 then from December 2023 to December 2024. The project aims to increase independence and economic opportunities for women farmers to boost quality, quantity, and diversification in Tanzania’s tea sub sector. CARE Tanzania in collaboration with Kazi Yetu and key partners in the tea industry including Tea Board of Tanzania (TBT), Tanzania Smallholders’ Tea Development Agency (TSHTDA), Tea Research Institute of Tanzania (TRIT) and respective LGAs work together to support 30,000 small-scale farmers (at least 80% women) that contribute to total 150, 000 household members reached both directly and in directly. The project contributes to various Sustainable Development Goals including SDG 5 (gender equality); SDG8 (decent work and economic growth); SDG 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure); SDG 10 (reduced inequalities); SDG 13 (climate action) and SDG 17(partnership to achieve the goals).


of small-scale farmers in 2,042 VSLA with 41,138 members are women

Project activities include:

  • Collective Investment (CI).
  • Value Addition and Diversification through VSLAs and AMCOS.
  • Digital solutions to farmers and VSLAs.
  • Private Sector Development and engagement including support on
    Marketing and Sales.
  • Gender, Women Empowerment and Leadership.
  • Women Land Acquisition and Rights.


Project Outcome:

The expected outcomes of this project include:

  • Increased capital owned and managed by women farmers.
  • Increased business growth by women farmers in the tea sub-sector.
  • Increased farmers’ income (for the selected value chains).
  • Increased international marketability of Tanzanian tea.


Zainabu's Story:

Breaking Gender Barriers in the Workplace

Project Achievements:

  • More than 2,042 VSLA with around 41,138 members (72% women, fulfilling 124% of the program’s target – 24,000 women) were reached. This has indirectly reached 176,893 household members. It’s a good foundation for the phase 2 deep-dive.
  • Through advocacy efforts, HMHL was able to influence the cost of green leaf at the Dar Tea Auction, which yielded a return on investment (ROI) for the increased price to farmers of 83% from January 2023. This is an effect to 12,403,339 people in 6 tea growing regions of Tanzania.
  • Supported 9,211 farmers (68% women) to scale the Agri fund model, contributing to 52% growth (from $131,608 in November 2023 to $200,337 in June 2024).
  • Establishment of the Dar es Salaam Tea Auction (DTA): this triggered a change of green leaf price by 17%. It has also helped to create a strong bond with the Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Co-establishment of the Specialty Tea demo facility at Bungu: The government buy-in to replicate the model by constructing 5 more factories is promising.
  • Development of the Standard Hybrid Tea GAP manual as per East Africa Standard: the manual considered illiterate people and is currently used across Tanzania.
  • Establishment of the National Tea Cooperative Apex: now TASTEGCU can stand as an umbrella body in policy asks related to tea sub-sector in Tanzania.
  • Development of the digital platform for the tea nursery traceability in Tanzania: this helps in tea nursery/plantlets traceability from nursery to farm level considering the success rate.
  • Development of the tea-sub sector database of value chain actors: this helps to understand the profiles of farmers in Tanzania for the strategic planning.
  • Development of the Tanzania Tea Profile: this helps to put Tanzania under the international tea map (in progress).



Success Story: Women’s Economic Justice in the Tanzania Tea Industry

Through the establishment of Tanzania’s first specialty tea factory, CARE’s Her Money, Her Life Project is empowering women tea farmers in Bungu to bridge economic and social divides. The women featured in this story, Hobokeza, Sauda, and Latifa, are gaining financial independence and overcoming social barriers by embracing roles from organic farming to tea processing, setting a precedent for gender equity and economic growth in their communities.

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Success Story: Private Sector Partnerships for Women’s Economic Independence:

Through CARE’s Her Money, Her Life Project and partnerships with Viridium and Kazi Yetu, Sarah Ruben, a spice farmer from Tanzania’s Usambara mountains, gained the tools and market access needed to overcome barriers like unstable markets and low yields. Now, as a thriving entrepreneur and community leader, Sarah supports her family, employs other women, and champions gender equity in her village

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Report: Gender equality through VSLAs in Tanzania Her Money, Her Life

The Her Money, Her Life project in Tanzania is maximizing the potential benefits women receive from their crops through a focus on entrepreneurship and collective investment. This brief outlines how the project uses VSLAs as a platform to address root causes of gender inequality.

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Report: Her Money, Her Life

This impact brief outlines how the project uses VSLAs as a platform to support women in improving their income, leading change in their communities, and challenging traditional roles in the tea value chain.

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Report: BEYOND MONEY - CARE Savings Groups as a Platform for Addressing Root Causes of Gender Inequalit

The potential of savings groups goes beyond money. CARE sees savings groups as an effective platform for greater gender equality beyond women as individuals. This learning report aims start a conversation about the role of savings groups in addressing systemic gender inequities in markets.

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Success Story: Bakari Shidafa Role as a Male Gender Champion

Through CARE’s Her Money, Her Life Project, Bakari Shidafa, a husband and father in Tanzania’s Usambara highlands, has become a community advocate for gender equality and shared family responsibilities. Despite physical challenges, Bakari champions joint decision-making and women’s rights, encouraging an inclusive approach to family life and inspiring his village toward greater equity.

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Report: Women Respond: Savings Groups – Her Money, Her Life project (Tanzania)

Women Respond aims to improve interventions to shocks and crises at all levels by putting women’s voices and experiences at the center of the response. The initiative provides unique insights into women’s experiences leading responses through crisis, the evolving challenges they face, and the support they advocate for from leaders at local and global levels.

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Success Story: We help solve problems

Aneth Basu finds it deeply satisfying to be someone on whom family members can rely for financial support. This is a common sentiment in rural Tanzania’s communally oriented society, where the ability to help others is reflective of one’s own abundance and of the quality of one’s relationships with family and friends. Hence, when CARE asks Aneth how her relationships have changed as her business had grown, the ability to support the family financially is at the top of her mind. “Sometimes, we help solve problems on my husband’s side of the family, and on my side of the family too,” Aneth says with pride.

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Success Story: You need to have a clear vision and persevere

“You need to have a clear vision and persevere.” This is the advice that the six members of the Nitunze Spice Group, led by Sarah Ruben, say they would give to other women entrepreneurs. The group is young, having just formed in 2024, but its members already have important business lessons to share, ranging from the inspirational (“You need to have a clear vision”) to the practical (“Make sure you have the right training”) to the cautionary (“Don’t sell your product on credit!”).

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Success Story: Solidarity is everything

This is how Christina Kayala, a spice farmer from Lutindi, a tea growing area in northeastern Tanzania, summarizes the role that her group spice processing enterprise has played in her own life and livelihood. “We’re able to do this whole business because we are together.”

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