CARE Tanzania works under various approaches to promote sustainable Agriculture, Climate change, Gender equality and Governance. These Approaches are well explained as follows:
Some key Models and Approaches promoted by CARE Tanzania
CARE Tanzania works under various approaches to promote sustainable Agriculture, Climate change, Gender equality and Governance. These Approaches are well explained as follows:
It is proven that tis participatory model enhance women's equitable participation in agriculture by getting them the resources, support, and information they need to invest in their farms, business, families and communities
This approach enable local stakeholders including women and different vulnerable groups to have better access to seasonal climate forecast from meteorological services and local forecasting experts
This has proven to be an effective way to increase women's control over assets and bring women into the realm of financial inclusion and have been proven to accelerate their economic empowerments
CARE work with men and boys as clients, partners, and allies. We seek to involve men and boys as part of the solution to gender inequality. We need to address men as allies who benefit from improved gender relations, not only a target group.
The Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA) is a CARE tool used to gather and analyse information on community-level vulnerabilities to and capacities for climate change. It informs the identification of actions, at the community level or more broadly, that support communities in increasing their resilience to climate change.
CARE’s signature approach to gender norm transformation and is a facilitated process through which individuals explore and challenge the social norms, beliefs, and practices that shape their lives and health. Unique and central to SAA is that the process of critical reflection and dialogue begins with CARE staff, encouraging them to reflect on their own biases and beliefs and how they affect their work, and to make them more comfortable discussing sensitive issues with others.
This is a governance tool that improves participation, participation, decision making, transparency and accountability
Seeks to empower adolescent girls who have never attended school, or who dropped out in early grades, to make positive life choices. CARE’s integrated accelerated education on learning model, is designed to enable out‐of‐school adolescents, particularly girls, to acquire key academic and life skills. After only 11 months, girls who complete the program can transition into formal school or use their new skills for employment.