The Transformational Journey of Hussein Ally

Hussein Ally Mwagomba, a dedicated 45-year-old cashew farmer and father of five, lives in Mwakikonge village, located in the Mkinga in Tanga region. For years, Hussein struggled with the challenges common to many small-scale farmers in the area—low yields, persistent pest infestations, and frequent crop diseases. This is the story of how Hussein's life changed after CARE's intervention through the Innovating Cashew Value Chain, supported by Danida Market Development Partnerships

Hussein and many other farmers in his community were unaware of the benefits of cashew farming. They faced poor production and productivity, exposed to risks of using unapproved pesticides, and experienced frequent pest and disease attacks without permanent solutions. Additionally, the potential of intercropping to increase income and reduce production costs was not considered. The cashew market was poor and exploitative, leading Hussein to frequently sell his harvest to middlemen on the black-market unreliable system called “Kangomba” where cashew is measured in bowl. This led to Hussein earning less income due to poor prices offered.

Prior to the project, I had low awareness of the Good Agricultural Practices like selecting quality seeds and using protective gears during pest and disease management.

Says Hussein Ally

Hussein’s fortunes began to change in March 2022 when he joined the Maendeleo Village Saving and Lending Association (VSLA) and Farmer Field and Business School (FFBS) group in the Innovating the Cashew Value Chain project. This four-year project (2021-2025), funded by Danida Market Development Partnerships (DMDP) and implemented by CARE Tanzania in collaboration with Biotan Group Limited and Duga AMCOS, focuses on empowering farmers like Hussein with the knowledge, skills, and financial resources needed to transform their livelihoods.

Hussein received comprehensive training on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), savings, credit management, and collective investment. He learned the importance of proper spacing, pest control, post-harvest handling, and intercropping techniques. He also participated in a spraying training program, equipping him with valuable skills to combat crop diseases and protect his health.

Empowered by this newfound knowledge and community support, Hussein implemented these practices on his four-acre farm. His cashew nut yields increased significantly from 50 to 300 kilograms in the 2022/2023 season, which he sold at the Duga AMCOS auction for TZS 450,000~DKK 1151. He also successfully intercropped maize, cassava, and peas, generating additional income and improving his family’s nutrition.

Hussein spraying pesticide at the cashew tree Photo credit: Epvate and Fortune International Consulting

Hussein’s dedication and expertise led to his selection as a lead farmer, responsible for training and supporting more than 150 other farmers through three FFBS groups. He also provided spraying services to 152 farmers, earning an additional TZS 1,200,000~DKK 3069 in the season 2022/2023. His success caught the attention of district and ward leaders, who were impressed by his well-maintained farm and innovative practices.

In August 2023, Hussein’s skills were showcased at the prestigious Nanenane Farmers’ Day Exhibition in Morogoro, where he proudly represented his community alongside the CARE Tanzania team. His dedication and innovation were recognized with a TZS 500,000~DKK1279 prize from the Regional Commissioner of Tanga.

Hussein invested his earnings wisely, improving his family’s well-being by purchasing school uniforms for his children, building a new house, and starting a poultry farm. He also shared his knowledge and resources with his wife, promoting gender equality and joint decision-making in their household.


Through the project, I have gained new knowledge and increased my income by 50% through improved farming practices, pest control, and participation in the VSLA groups

Says Hussein Ally

Today, Hussein stands as a shining example of the transformative impact of the CARE Tanzania project. His journey from a struggling farmer to a lead farmer, community leader, and successful entrepreneur demonstrates the power of knowledge, collaboration, and access to resources. His story is a testament to the potential for positive change that exists within everyone, waiting to be unlocked through the right opportunities and support.

Looking towards the future, Hussein’s aspirations remain high. He plans to expand his cashew nut farm, further develop his poultry venture, and invest in his own spraying machine to continue serving his community and improving their livelihoods. His story is a living testament to the potential for positive change that lies within everyone, waiting to be unlocked through the right opportunities and support, like those provided by CARE Tanzania and its partners.

Hussein explaining his cashew farming journey to CARE staff during the 2024 retreat visit in Mkinga - Tanga Photo credit: Epvate and Fortune International Consulting