Hussein’s fortunes began to change in March 2022 when he joined the Maendeleo Village Saving and Lending Association (VSLA) and Farmer Field and Business School (FFBS) group in the Innovating the Cashew Value Chain project. This four-year project (2021-2025), funded by Danida Market Development Partnerships (DMDP) and implemented by CARE Tanzania in collaboration with Biotan Group Limited and Duga AMCOS, focuses on empowering farmers like Hussein with the knowledge, skills, and financial resources needed to transform their livelihoods.
Hussein received comprehensive training on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), savings, credit management, and collective investment. He learned the importance of proper spacing, pest control, post-harvest handling, and intercropping techniques. He also participated in a spraying training program, equipping him with valuable skills to combat crop diseases and protect his health.
Empowered by this newfound knowledge and community support, Hussein implemented these practices on his four-acre farm. His cashew nut yields increased significantly from 50 to 300 kilograms in the 2022/2023 season, which he sold at the Duga AMCOS auction for TZS 450,000~DKK 1151. He also successfully intercropped maize, cassava, and peas, generating additional income and improving his family’s nutrition.