Global Affair Canada Commits CAD 20 million to Launch ‘Her Resilience, Our Planet’ Project in Tanzania

Photo: Edward Charles | CARE Tanzania

Photo: Edward Charles | CARE Tanzania

On Wednesday, May 15th, The Honorable Ahmed Hussen, MP, Canada’s Minister of International Development, announced that Global Affairs Canada has committed CAD 20 million to fund the ‘Her Resilience, Our Planet’ project in Tanzania.

The announcement took place at Koga Farm (Mango Growers) in Mkuranga district, Pwani region, attended by Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Hon. David Silinde; Pwani Regional Commissioner, Hon. Abubakari Kunenge; representatives from Global Affairs Canada; President and CEO of CARE Canada, Barbara Grantham; Chief Programs Officer, Mohammed Emrul Hasan; Senior Manager of Fundraising at CARE Tanzania, Christina John; and representatives from WWF and the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT).


The Honorable Ahmed Hussen, MP, Canada's Minister of International Development. Photo: Edward Charles | CARE Tanzania

Project’s Goal

The ‘Her Resilience, Our Planet’ project, funded by Global Affairs Canada, will be implemented for six years in five districts within two of SAGCOT’s geographic priority clusters: Ihemi cluster (Iringa, Kilolo, Mufindi, and Wanging’ombe districts) and Mbarali cluster (Mbarali district).

This project aims to mitigate existing and potential climate risks faced by individuals reliant on the Great Ruaha River ecosystem, with a strong focus on supporting women. It promotes agricultural practices that adapt to climate shifts and encourages livelihoods that positively interact with nature. The project seeks to develop climate adaptations that specifically consider the necessities of women by collaborating with local communities, governmental bodies, and agricultural stakeholders. It also focuses on empowering women by enhancing their leadership capabilities, fostering advocacy and technical skills, and helping them mitigate risks associated with climate change.

Project Activities

Project activities include:

  1. Providing gender-responsive technical assistance to food insecure communities.
  2. Creating guidelines, tools and support mechanisms for promoting gender-responsive, climate-smart and biodiversity-protective agricultural systems; and
  3. Raising awareness with community members and leaders about the intersectional gender-based violence risks in the community through the different project interventions.

Project Implementors

Led by CARE Canada through CARE Tanzania, the project will be supported by WWF, SAGCOT, Conservation Farming Unit, Tanzania Gender Networking Programme (TGNP), and Shahidi Wa Maji as implementing partners.