From a homemaker to a thriving farmer

As the World Cashew Conference commences today in Sokha Siem Reap Resort & Convention Center, Cambodia, and continues until February 3, 2024, we take this opportunity to celebrate Elina's Mumbas' story within the Cashew sector as part of the CARE International in Tanzania "Innovating Cashew Value Chain" project in Mkinga District, Tanga region, with the generous support of the Danida Green Business Partnerships / Danida Market Development Partnerships.

Elina’s story is a true testimony of the contribution of CARE International in Tanzania’s commitment to women empowerment , gender equality , access to farming knowledge and skills, and improving community livelihoods.

Elina’s narrative stands as a testament to women economic independence and inclusion.

We express our gratitude to our esteemed supporters, Danida Green Business Partnerships and Danida Market Development Partnerships, CARE staff, and our partners, including the Ministry of Agriculture Tanzania, the Cashew Board, DUGA AMCOS, the Tanzania Research Institute, the Mkinga District Council Leadership, and all the community members. Their collaborative efforts have played a pivotal role in the success of the project.

CARE remains committed to furthering the economic justice of women in the cashew industry.

Kibewani village located in Sigaya ward lives Elina Mumba, a 36 years old housewife with 6 children and married to Mr. Bakari Rajabu who is a mosque imam. Elina had an ambition of being a successful farmer despite of her limited skills and knowledge to pursue benefits from farming.

Elina is an open-minded woman, when she participated in the first project awareness meeting at Kibewani village done by the Innovating Cashew Value Chain project team, she felt that this is an opportunity for her to pursue her ambition.

Based on her outstanding performance, Elina was trusted by colleagues and elected as a chairperson of Mtu Shamba VSLA group and underwent training in financial literacy, gender and collective investment by the Community Based Trainer (CBT) in collaboration with the Project VSLA officer igniting her passion for self-improvement  which transformed her mindset and interest in improving her life through VSLA scheme. ls and knowledge to pursue benefits from farming.

“My father is a farmer, I wanted to be better than him, but I was worried if my husband who is a religious leader could allow me to get fully engaged in farming activities.” -


Being an influential leader at the village, Mr. Bakari Rajabu was selected to become a Community Based Trainer (CBT) for the VSLA group. This opportunity led him to allow Elina to fully participate in one of the VSLA groups he had mobilised. Elina was then recognized by the village leadership and project staff, hence recruited as a lead farmer and laiter trained in Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) together with other selected lead farmers from other villages. Elina has managed to mobilise more than 82 (52 female & 30 male) cashew farmers in 3 farmer groups (Hapa Kazi, Matumaini and Mshikamano), trained them on GAP through Farmer Field and Business Approach (FFBS).

Elina also got an opportunity to participate n training that was collaboratively organized by Small Scale Industries Development Organisation (SIDO) in cashew product making
and thereafter she managed to train other 62 (42 female & 20 male) members who are also currently making products.

Based on the skills and experience acquired from different trainings and actual practices, Elina together with other group members managed to collectively invest in cashew seedling nursery which earned the group TZS 200,000~ (78 USD) after selling 1600 seedlings. Elina in collaboration with the group members innovated intercropping of cassava and sunflower in cashew demoplots that also earned the group about TZS 550,800 ~ (216 USD).

Additionally, Elina and her husband jointly took a loan from Mtu Shamba VSLA group with a value of TZS 400,000 ~ (157 USD) and opened a shop in their village as of now the capital has raised to TZS 5,000,000 ~ (1957 USD) by August 2023. Elina portrays a good example to the community on her initiatives and achievements by involving her husband who supported by providing right to land ownership and taking part in leadership.

I managed to have mutual discussion and agreements with my husband in a polite way which impressed him to give any necessary support like when I needed to have my own plot of 10 acres and 1 acre to our child for cashew farming.” – Says Elina Mumba

Based on the socio-cultural and religious norms around coastal areas of which Elina is part of the community, women are not often allowed to participate in economic
activities and leadership but rather being housewives.

Elina’s case, has become an outstanding example to the community and therefore attracting more men to support the women to engage in economic and productive activities and therefore contributing to the household economic development.

Elina Mumbas Success Story