CARE Tanzania participation at the International Day of the Girl Child

To commemorate this year’s International Day of the Girl Child on October 11th, CARE Tanzania participated in various activities across the country.

On December 19, 2011, United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 66/170 to declare October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child. The event sets to bring attention on the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls’ empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights. (per the International Day of the Girl Child | United Nations)


Addressing Critical Issues at the Kigoda Cha Wasichana Forum

In Zanzibar, CARE Tanzania’s Country Director, Ms. Prudence Masako, played a pivotal role in the Kigoda Cha Wasichana forum, organized by the Shirazi Organization. This high-profile gathering brought together influential leaders, activists, and young girls to address critical issues surrounding the economic, political, and social opportunities available to girls in Tanzania.

The discussions sought to highlight the barriers that girls face and provide practical solutions to empower and educate them. Ms. Masako emphasized the need for robust, targeted interventions that can propel girls into leadership roles, ensuring their active participation in the development of their communities and the nation at large.


“Events like these remind me how vital it is to share our leadership journeys with the next generation. It’ really heartwarming to speak to over 1,500 vibrant young women (aged 15 to 25) today about our work at CARE Tanzania. This year alone, our programs in financial literacy, vocational training, leadership development, project management and social inclusion have empowered approximately 1,324 young women in Zanzibar and over 30,000 across the United Republic of Tanzania aged 15 to 35.” said Ms. Prudence

CARE Tanzania Country, Ms. Prudence Masako speaking at the Kigoda cha Wasichana Forum in Zanzibar

Meanwhile, across mainland Tanzania, CARE Tanzania’s Her Money, Her Life (HMHL) Project hosted a series of events aimed at raising awareness about gender equality, leadership, and essential life skills. In partnership with local government officials, World Vision Tanzania, and schools, the celebrations took place in five districts: Bumbuli, Mufindi, Njombe, Rungwe, and Busokelo.

The events featured educational sessions focusing on:

  • Self-awareness and leadership development
  • Gender equality and gender-based violence prevention
  • Nutrition and menstrual hygiene management

These sessions not only involved girls but also engaged parents, teachers, and boys, creating a holistic and inclusive approach to addressing gender challenges in schools and communities. The discussions provided a platform for students to express their aspirations while learning how to overcome the barriers they face.

Ms. Neema Lweeka, Project Coordinator, Her Money Her Life speaking to students at Mgwashi Secondary School in Bumbli | Tanga | Tanzania

Support for Girls Through Distribution of Hygiene Kits

In addition to the educational components, CARE Tanzania distributed hygiene kits—including sanitary pads and soap—to girls across the participating schools. Access to menstrual hygiene products remains a significant challenge for many girls in rural Tanzania, and this initiative aimed to ensure that no girl misses school because of inadequate resources.

Key highlights from the regional celebrations included:

  • In Bumbuli District, 439 students gathered at Mgwashi Secondary School, where 204 girls received hygiene kits.
  • In Rungwe and Busokelo, 951 students (723 girls and 228 boys) participated at Bulyaga and Busokelo Girls Secondary Schools, with 723 girls receiving hygiene kits.
  • In Mufindi, CARE Tanzania, in collaboration with the district council and World Vision Tanzania, celebrated the day at Kasanga Primary School and Igowole Secondary School, distributing hygiene kits to 600 girls.
  • In Njombe, 78 girls from Nyombo Secondary School in Ikuna Ward attended a special celebration where they, too, received hygiene kits.
Hand-over of hygiene kits by Ms. Mwanane Madebo, Project Coordinator, Her Money Her Life and School teachers to students at Busekole Girls school in Busekole

The 2024 International Day of the Girl Child was not just a day of celebration but a moment of reflection and action for CARE Tanzania. By championing gender equality, promoting leadership skills, and addressing girls’ hygiene needs, CARE Tanzania continues to empower girls across the nation