On May 13, 2024, the official opening of the Global Leadership Meeting took place at the Hyatt Regency – The Kilimanjaro Hotel in Dar es Salaam. The opening ceremony was graced by the presence of the Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Honorable Philip Isdor Mpango, along with the Minister of Agriculture, Honorable Hussein Bashe, CARE’s President and CEO Michelle Nunn, the representative of the Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner, Eng. Amani Mafuru, and CARE Tanzania’s Country Director, Ms. Prudence Masako.
During the launch, Hon. Dr. Philip Isdor Mpango commended the strong collaboration between CARE Tanzania and the government of the United Republic of Tanzania in transforming the lives of people across the different sectors including Agriculture, Health, Education, Women Economic Empowerment, Climate Resilience and Emergence Response and Preparedness. He outlined four key asks on which CARE Tanzania can focus on working in partnership with the government:
- Supporting innovations around climate change, specifically in adaptation and resilience, focusing on climate-smart agriculture to enhance productivity and yield among smallholder farmers.
- Empowering women economically through the effective utilization of renewable energy resources.
- Developing employability and entrepreneurial skills for dropout girls and boys.
- Promoting community development in child and maternal health, aiming to reduce maternal and infant mortality and morbidity, encourage a balanced diet, and combat childhood stunting through the training and deployment of Community Health Workers.