In Tanzania, CARE integrated key Women Respond questions in a recent assessment conducted with participants of Her Money, Her Life (HMHL) project. The assessment aimed to understand the opinions, beliefs, practices, and attitude of women on gender and leadership. The assessment also aimed to learning from women on HMHL two-year implementation to assess what worked well to support women farmers and their recommendations for scale-up. As part the survey, CARE assessed the main shocks and crises women VSLA members are facing, its impact, their actions to respond or cope with existing shocks and crises and their priority needs.
Women Respond aims to improve interventions to shocks and crises at all levels by putting women’s voices and experiences at the center of the response. The initiative provides unique insights into women’s experiences leading responses through crisis, the evolving challenges they face, and the support they advocate for from leaders at local and global levels. CARE is sharing results with women and girls themselves to help groups make connections to others, understand common needs, and use the data to support their own advocacy and community action goals. CARE also shares this data with our partners and local and national decision-makers to support responses to be more effective for women and girls.