In the hills of Bungu, where tea plantations stretch as far as the eye can see, sits the SAKARE Specialty Tea Factory—the first-ever specialty tea demo factory in Tanzania. This milestone marked the beginning of a remarkable journey aiming to bridge not just the gap of gender roles but also the technological and market divides that have long dominated the landscape for smallholder tea farmers in Bungu. SAKARE Specialty Tea Factory emerges as a beacon of change, and against the odds, it boasts a workforce where women play a predominant role.
At the production level, women like Hobokeza Moyo stand as exemplars of dedication and transformation. They turn their tea farm plots into organic havens, anticipating a remarkable 23% increase in income compared to conventional green leaf prices. Hobokeza’s optimism is infectious as she shares, Sauda Waziri, among the women at the plucking level, finds empowerment in her new role as an organic tea plucker. The twofold increase in income and the assurance of consistent employment become the pillars of support for these women, transforming them into the backbone of their households. Sauda reflects on her journey, contrasting her past earnings at Mohammed Enterprises Tanzania Limited (MeTL) and the current assurance she has with Sakare Speciality Tea Company (SSTC).