16 Days of Activism

CARE International in Tanzania, in collaboration with fellow members of the MKUKI coalition, a group comprising over 70 National NGOs and INGOs dedicated to end  Gender-Based Violence (GBV) across rural and urban areas, actively participated in the launch of the 16 Days of Activism against GenderBased Violence. This significant event took place at the Julius Nyerere International Convention Center (JNICC).

The focal theme of the event was ‘UNITE! Invest to Prevent Gender-Based Violence against Women and Girls.  The occasion was honored by the presence of Hon. Dr. Dorothy Gwajima, Minister for Community Development, Gender, Women and Special Groups who graced the event as the guest of honor.

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign commencing on 25th November – The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and concluding on 10th December – Human Rights Day.

CARE International in Tanzania remain committed to combatting gender-based violence through strategic initiatives, utilizing programmatic approaches and frameworks such as the Farmers Field and Business School (FFBS) and Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs). These models play a critical role in empowering women by granting them the agency to assert their rights, particularly regarding access to and control of land and other productive assets.

Moreover, CARE International in Tanzania actively engages men and boys as agents of change in the fight against gender-based violence. By involving them in this cause, the organization endeavors to foster enhanced relationships within households and communities. The organization integrates GBV response strategies and conducts Gender Rapid Assessments within its planning procedures. The insights gleaned from these assessments are used in project design and collective learning enriching the organization’s efforts in addressing gender-based violence.

The CARE International in Tanzania Strategic Plan for 2023 – 2025 places a strong emphasis on the prevention, response, and reduction of Gender-Based Violence (GBV). Within this strategic framework, CARE International in Tanzania will concentrate efforts on multiple fronts, including promoting GBV awareness and capacity building, facilitating platforms for GBV reporting, collecting and disseminating crucial GBV information, as well as referring and linking GBV survivors to necessary support services. Additionally, the organization will actively work towards mitigating GBV risks and raising awareness concerning early child marriages.

The commitment to addressing Gender-Based Violence will continue to be the central focus of CARE Tanzania’s initiatives, underpinning its mission to create lasting positive changes within communities and beyond.”


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16 Days of Activism

CARE Tanzania Country director, Madam Prudence Masako with her staff members during the event